
*Neurolanguage Coaching® diagram by Alphalex.



    Specialised Spanish for business: negotiations, sales pitches, professional e-mails, videoconferences, etc.


    Put yourself in real situations with Spanish in your daily professional life and share your doubts with me via WhatsApp so that I can help you with your own mistakes.

*Neurolanguage Coaching® diagram by Alphalex.


Specialised Spanish for business: negotiations, sales pitches, professional e-mails, videoconferences, etc.

Exclusive and effective learning that ensures lasting results within a given timeframe.

Put yourself in real situations with Spanish in your daily professional life and share your doubts with me via WhatsApp so that I can help you with your own mistakes.

Do you want to know more about the NEUROLANGUAGE COACHING®?

Neurolanguage Coaching® Methodology

A new approach to acquiring language knowledge and skills efficiently, sustainably and within a deadline agreed with the client.

This methodology was created by the British neuroscientist Rachel Paling, is certified by Efficient Language Coaching and is also accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Language coaching integrates ethical principles of coaching such us trust, confidentiality or clear goal setting into the learning languache process to make you a great professional.

This innovative approach and methodology combines the Language Coaching technique with the main scientific advances in neuroscience to find out how your brain works and how your brain likes to learn.

This will enable us to create a much more optimal training and learning journey faster, more efficient and more cost-effective.

Together, we will help you to build your professional future in Spanish!

Through a personalised learning, we will create a completely tailored an action plan for you. We will analyse your needs, we will also work about your motivation, which is very important. We will set clear and structured objectives to achieve in defined periods of time. We will work using brain-friendly materials and conversations.

In conclusion, whatever your professional goal is, we will always find your perfect learning state.

Cheer up and try a free session with us!



*Neurolanguage Coaching® is a registered US and European trademark in the name of Rachel Marie Paling.

How will we work?

– step one –


After the info session and the purchase of your programme, we will have the first 30-minute online session to analyze your needs in detail and establish an action plan. 


During the analysis session, I will look into your level and together we will find your learning motivation and turn your purposes into smart objectives. These will entirely come from you.  We will think about small and attainable goals that will eventually make up the final grand objective.


After the session, I will send you the proposal in line with the points discussed and agreed upon during the session.  


Think over our offer. Feel free to change any part of it you do not agree with. Once you have done so, congratulations! You have your action plan! And you are officially ready to begin your programme. 

– Step two –


Choose the programme that best suits your needs or create your own. You will be the one to decide how much time you want to dedicate to each goal in our plan. IT IS UP TO YOU!

For companies, we will draw up a programme and an estimate tailored to your needs.

As a coach I work with:

  • Professional communicative contexts.
  • Client’s own materials.
  • An accompaniment.
  • Motivation.
  • Active listening
  • Empathy.
  • Facilitating “aha” moments with the language.
  • Creating connections with your native language.
  • Practice with real communicative contexts.




Apart from the subjects we can work on during our sessions, it is advisable to combine your Spanish learning with your interests and hobbies, regardless of the reasons you started to learn Spanish in the first place. This way, not only will you progress but also enjoy and have fun while doing so.

Regular practice of the newly acquired concepts will allow consolidating such knowledge in the long term. Use Spanish doing your favourite sport, watching movies, reading books…, cooking! Wherever and whenever you feel like it. Enjoy doing it.


After every session, we will make a short revision of how you felt during the session and how good your learning flow was. It is essential to know what has been done and achieved in each session and remember it at the beginning of the next one.

This way, you will always know where you stand and what you are doing!


As the end of the objective approaches, we will check how you feel about the course and see whether you think you can go on to the next goal or if you would rather keep working on the current one.

Learn in an effective and sustainable way, staying true to yourself.


The accompaniment is everything we are going to do outside of the sessions, because what matters is what you are going to do outside of the sessions within your professional context using Spanish.

To help you in your learning process, during the months of accompaniment:

  • Put yourself in real situations with Spanish (a meeting to negotiate, a phone call to a client, etc.) so that I can help you learn from your mistakes, analysing a real situation with you and in the moment. 
  • Share with me any news, anecdotes or problems you have had in a job to be in contact with the Spanish language every day. You will receive my correction of your audio to understand your mistakes of expression.


You will be in contact with the language and you will practice in real life to implement what you have learned!



Choose the programme that best suits your needs or create your own. You will be the one to decide how much time you want to dedicate to each goal in our plan. IT IS UP TO YOU!

For companies, we will draw up a programme and an estimate tailored to your needs.

As a coach I work with:

  • Professional communicative contexts.
  • Client’s own materials.
  • An accompaniment.
  • Motivation.
  • Active listening
  • Empathy.
  • Facilitating “aha” moments with the language.
  • Creating connections with your native language.
  • Practice with real communicative contexts.




After every session, we will make a short revision of how you felt during the session and how good your learning flow was. It is essential to know what has been done and achieved in each session and remember it at the beginning of the next one.

This way, you will always know where you stand and what you are doing!


Apart from the subjects we can work on during our sessions, it is advisable to combine your Spanish learning with your interests and hobbies, regardless of the reasons you started to learn Spanish in the first place. This way, not only will you progress but also enjoy and have fun while doing so.

Regular practice of the newly acquired concepts will allow consolidating such knowledge in the long term. Use Spanish doing your favourite sport, watching movies, reading books…, cooking! Wherever and whenever you feel like it. Enjoy doing it.


As the end of the objective approaches, we will check how you feel about the course and see whether you think you can go on to the next goal or if you would rather keep working on the current one.

Learn in an effective and sustainable way, staying true to yourself.


The accompaniment is everything we are going to do outside of the sessions, because what matters is what you are going to do outside of the sessions within your professional context using Spanish.

To help you in your learning process, during the months of accompaniment:

  • Put yourself in real situations with Spanish (a meeting to negotiate, a phone call to a client, etc.) so that I can help you learn from your mistakes, analysing a real situation with you and in the moment. 
  • Share with me any news, anecdotes or problems you have had in a job to be in contact with the Spanish language every day. You will receive my correction of your audio to understand your mistakes of expression.


You will be in contact with the language and you will practice in real life to implement what you have learned!

Renata Bryczek Senior Business Analyst, Poland

Como analista de negocios, no sólo buscaba un profesor de español, sino un profesor que me ayudara a utilizar el idioma en un contexto profesional. Puedo decir sinceramente que la experiencia con Alphalex es fantástica. Mi profesor Alex tiene muchas cualidades: siempre preparado, muy motivador y es capaz de explicarme las reglas de la gramática de una manera accesible, sencilla e intuitiva. El subjuntivo fue mi enemigo durante mucho tiempo – ¡pero ya no lo es! Alex siempre y en todo momento confirma si lo que practicamos es lo que me interesa. Preparamos los dos juntos un plan y lo seguimos - sé exactamente lo que va a pasar en las clases siguientes. No sé cómo lo hace, pero cada vez añade una cosa que me ayuda en el proceso de desarrollo, incluyendo el personal.

Karen Digital Marketing Analyst, Korea.

I reached out to Alphalex because I had interviews scheduled with two companies I have always dreamt of joining. Thanks to Alex, my teacher, could master the do's and don'ts of job interview and prepare more structured responses. He is very supportive yet direct and honest, always providing very relevant feedback on my responses. He's a passionate teacher who wants his students to make the most out of every minute of his class, so his classes are especially helpful when I have a specific goal I want to achieve and attend the classes fully prepared. When I am stuck at some point, he can guide to come up with my own answers by offering his perspective of approaching the questions.

Natalia Zalizniak Founder and Teacher, English D@ily, Poland

I highly recommend lessons with Alphalex. Alex is always well- prepared for the classes, he creates for you a specific individual lesson plan depending on your needs and preferences. Moreover, the classes are always interesting, Alejandro is very passionate about teaching and he is not just a Spanish speaker ready to teach but a highly qualified professional with knowdledge and a right approach to teaching.

Max Beaton Events and Social Media Coordinator at the United Chiropractic Association, UK

I always really enjoy my lessons with Alphalex. My teacher Alex is really friendly and easy to talk to. His focus on communication is allowing me to learn new things in a much faster and efficient way than I would in a traditional classroom.