
I am Alejandro Morales (alex), Business Spanish Coach and founder of Alphalex

"Speaking Spanish is one thing, negotiating in Spanish is another"

You’ve probably already noticed that speaking Spanish at work is not the same as speaking it on the street.

Even if you speak a bit of Spanish, you’re likely still using English with your clients in Spain, which limits your professional relationships and results.

Do you really believe that speaking a little Spanish, like you would at a beach bar, mixed with English will achieve the results you want?

I can assure you, it won’t

This idea gave rise to Alphalex, my business project designed to help executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals master business Spanish and Spanish business culture, enabling them to boost their revenue and business opportunities within a Spanish-speaking context.

How do I do it? Through fully personalised business Spanish coaching programmes with an innovative and effective methodology.

With over 14 years of experience in the business world and my passion for teaching Spanish, I have assisted over 60 professionals in the past 5 years. Are you ready to join them?

Become a true PRO in Spanish with Alphalex’s Business Spanish coaching and stop wasting time and money.

This project stems from my approach to understanding Spanish as a business tool, both in Spain and in a market with over 500 million Spanish speakers

This project stems from my approach to understanding Spanish as a business tool, both in Spain and in a market with over 500 million Spanish speakers ​

Learning a foreign language requires patience, discipline and most of all, confidence and motivation. 

Learning a foreign language requires patience, discipline and most of all, confidence and motivation. 

Exactly the same as when we need to negotiate, present our product or lead a meeting.


If there is no MOTIVATION, there is no learning or success in a NEGOTIATION.


The essential part of this project is to make sure you are aware that YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS OR CAREER ARE THE REAL PROTAGONISTS of this process. 

You need a plan exclusively tailored just for you! 

Just as no two brains are alike, NO TWO PROFESSIONALS are alike.


If there is no MOTIVATION, there is no learning or success in a NEGOTIATION.


The essential part of this project is to make sure you are aware that YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS OR CAREER ARE THE REAL PROTAGONISTS of this process. 

You need a plan exclusively tailored just for you! 

Just as no two brains are alike, NO TWO PROFESSIONALS are alike.


I will help you discover and develop your full potential to get new clients, close deals and increase your sales thanks to business Spanish.


They already trust Alphalex

Alejandro is an excellent choice to anyone who is interested in improving her or his skills in speaking Spanish in a professional context. He understands what you want, has useful insights on what can be improved and provides crystal clear explanations. I definitely recommend working with him.

Alexis Tandeau Avocat De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, France

Alex has been my business Spanish tutor for two years, during which he's taken from sitting on my hands in professional settings to actually being able to hold my own (somewhat to my surprise!). He has a great ability to keep things interesting, and puts a lot of effort into making each session a bit different and engaging. Very professional guy and highly recommended.

Ed Marcartney Financial Adviser at Tailor-Made Financial Services, Australia

Long story short -- Alex is THE Spanish teacher you'd want if you're looking to make that jump from B1/B2 to C1/C2. He's smart, funny, and a really caring person. He is diligent about answering all my convoluted questions about Spanish grammar, and he never fails to then suddenly pull tons of related materials from his back pocket. Another great aspect about his teaching style is that he meets the student where they're at energetically. If I ever wanted to take a break from certain topics, like grammar, that day, it was no issue at all to take it easy and shoot the breeze during that lesson instead, all the while still in Spanish! If you're still reading this far, go ahead and just book that info lesson!

Parker Middleton Senior Consultant at GEP Worldwide, US

Avec le projet d'ouvrir une galerie à Minorque, j'ai contacté Alphalex afin d'améliorer mon niveau d'espagnol professionnel. J'ai beaucoup apprécié les exercices de mise en situation (vouvoiement, techniques de vente, persuasion, vocabulaire...) et la façon dont Alejandro a adapté nos séances aux thèmes que je souhaitais aborder. Je me sens beaucoup plus en confiance dans mon travail au quotidien depuis que je suis les cours d'Alphalex.

Ysolde Gaignault Associée Fondatrice, France

My experience with Alphalex has been very positive. Class with Alejandro is a must-have for job interview prep. We’ve been dissecting my responses to the most common interview questions for an upcoming job interview in Spanish. He does an excellent job explaining the “tricks” of each question to extrapolate the best answer possible. He also helps to build on your own professional experiences by suggesting different ways to phrase or frame each response. Additionally, he’s been extremely helpful in leveling-up my professional vocabulary by sharing key words/phrases the hiring manager will be looking out for when conducting his/her evaluation. We’ve also reviewed useful “interview etiquete” such as the use of "Usted" and the subjunctive tense

Shannon Hurlston Measurement Partner, TikTok, US

I cannot recommend Alex highly enough. His knowledge of the subject matter is so extensive; he can take a deep dive into whatever interests you. He's very organized and does an excellent job tracking progress so that I can enjoy the sessions, which he makes so fun and engaging, knowing that he'll keep us progressing in the direction I want to go. He really customizes the program to my industry and interests so that I can easily apply our lessons right away. I've been studying and speaking Spanish at various levels for years and I've never seen such improvement and had so much fun at the same time. Whatever your goals are for your Spanish acquisition, Alex will get you there. Highly recommend!

Alexandra Howe Emergency Care Account Manager at Stryker, USA

Le cours d'espagnol des affaires proposé par Alejandro m'a aidé à reprendre l'espagnol après 4 ans d'inactivité. Je suis reconnaissante de ce résultat et heureuse de l'avenir qu'il m'ouvre. Avec la langue espagnole, une partie de moi qui était perdue est à nouveau présente ! Merci d'avoir été à l'écoute de mes besoins, et pour ces 3 cours clairs, organisés et méthodologiques !

Fonda Fan Data Consultant @ Equancy, France




>  Stop losing clients and sales by not working on your business Spanish.

> Start using Spanish to benefit your business or career today.

> Express yourself with the same authority as in your native language