
How can I help you?

The consulting service is a one-time service you can hire to meet a specific need. It consists of 1 50-minute live session with me.

Programs are training and follow-up sessions that last several months, with a schedule with which you obtain specific objectives in business Spanish. They consist of 30-minute live sessions, specific material and so on.

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Once you have purchased the consulting service, you will receive an email in which I will ask you a few questions to find out what you need and to arrange a day and time for 1 50-minute live session with me via Google Meet.

We will meet on the agreed day and the service will be completed.

This service does not include materials, follow-up and support via Whatsapp.

After this service, if you decide to continue your training with me, you will receive a 10% discount on the purchase of your first program.


Book your info session here



The info session is our first contact to get to know each other, understand how I can help you and answer all your questions. It lasts for 20 minutes and is completely free.


The analysis session is the next step after the info session and the purchase of your program.Ā In other words, it is included in the programme you are going to do. This session will help us to analyse your needs and establish an action plan to start working. It lasts approximately 30 minutes.


Book your info session here

Once the information session is over, you will purchase the program that best suits your needs and, during the analysis session, we will draw up an action plan for working together.

You can choose between two programs: “Business Spanish – Avanzado” and “Business Spanish – Experto”.

For companies, a specific plan will be drawn up according to your needs.Ā 

The frequency of sessions will be determined by the client. Everyone has their own pace, their own needs and a different way of learning. This is why the programmes are personalized and adapted to each client.

Sessions always take place online, via videoconference on Google Meet, where we work simultaneously using audiovisual material, conversations and different aspects of the language.


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Alphalex’s language coaching methodology is fundamentally based on analysing the needs and learning style of each client and making the most of them to achieve the desired benefits.

We will work in an organised, practical way with achievable “SMART” objectives. Always based on motivation as the main driving force to help you progress in Spanish and obtain new clients, more income or a new job in the Spanish-speaking market..

The most important thing is that your learning is effective, conscious and profitable in the long term.

For the language structure (grammar), if you have any doubts, you will have at your disposal video lessons created by me to work with the cognitive grammar methodology. This will enable you to understand how the language works without rules, exceptions or lists, and in a logical and simpler way.

In addition, we will be working with the Neurolanguage CoachingĀ® methodology, which involves applying language coaching methods with innovative neuroscience methodologies to learn and work on any language blocks you may have.

We will work with simulated situations as well as real ones, where you will benefit from my constant support and guidance via Whatsapp. You’ll practise and train without excuses so that you’re well prepared and can achieve your business objectives in Spanish.

Go to methodology and services

Here at Alphalex, I offer a range of programmes prepared to meet the needs of every client.

In the programmes section you can see what kind of students each of them is aimed at.

Willingness and motivation to learn or improve your Spanish are essential for your success. At Alphalex, I will make sure that your learning experience provides as much added value to you as possible and is fun and efficient at the same time.


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Such activities (so-called homework) are not compulsory, but they will help you effectively consolidate everything you learned during our sessions.Ā 

It is up to you, but at Alphalex, I recommend you should practise these and other activities that you feel like and enjoy doing to reinforce everything you learned and thus ensure your progress. Learn and have fun!

You only need a computer or a tablet with a built-in or portable webcam, headphones for better sound quality and a good internet connection.Ā Ā 

We are going to use Google Meet. You don’t need to install any applications. You will receive a link by email, via Google Calendar, to access our session.

As for the resources and aids, we will use Google Drive and a personal course folder. You should have a Gmail account.

If it is your first online learning experience, there is no need to worry. It is not hard! I will provide you with all necessary guidance to access the sessions and explain how to use your Google Drive folder and interactive resources.

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The duration of the WhatsApp support and guidance is indicated on each program and begins on the program start date (confirmation e-mail and Google Drive folder opening).

Communication via Whatsapp will take place from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm, whenever you want and need it.Ā  Messages will be text and audio. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible, but if I don’t, please be patient, I’ll get back to you soon.

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Alphalex is a Spanish company, based in the city of Zaragoza.

So if you live in France, you’ll be working with a foreign company.


Reservations, payments and cancellations

This is one of the risks of working online, and it’s normal! For both the consulting service and the programme sessions, in the event of a technical problem at Alphalex, if no solution is available at the time, we will reschedule the session at no extra cost to you.

If the problem is on your end, I will do my best to help you solve it as fast as possible and not lose the class. If it is not possible to solve it, the lesson will be charged.

To book your info session use the calendar that appears on our web page. If you need more information, contact Alphalex by filling in the online form or sending an email at hola@alphalex.co


Book your info session here

Once the info session has been completed, you can pay for your chosen programme on the website via Stripe Payments or Paypal.Ā 

For the consulting service, go directly to the store and purchase the service via Stripe Payments or Paypal.

You do not have to be registered on these platforms to make a payment. You can read about these platforms here www.stripe.com or www.paypal.com.

For both the consulting service and the program sessions, once the service has been purchased, sessions can be booked by e-mail and/or at the end of each session, depending on your needs and the coach’s availability, within the framework of Alphalex’s available schedules. You can check my schedule by writing to: hola@alphalex.co

The consulting service is valid for 1 month from the date of payment (invoice date).

Programmes are valid for a maximum of 6 months from the date of payment (invoice date).

For more information on the payment and cancellation policy, please see the terms and conditions page.

Business Spanish for professionals sessions are one-to-one. Only in-company courses include the option of making group classes for 4 students with the same level.Ā 

Services are personal and non-transferable.

For programmes, if you recommend my services to other people, you will have the right to one additional free 30-minute session per person or company you will bring in.

Once the consulting service session has been purchased, it cannot be cancelled. Once the day and date are reserved, they can only be changed once with a minimum of 24 hours notice.

Of course, programmes sessions can be rescheduled, provided you give me at least 24 hours notice by email.

See terms and conditions.

If you do not let us know within the stipulated period, the session will be considered finished and done.

I am aware that you may not get to your session on time for different reasons. For both consulting service and programmes sessions, I will wait for you for 10 minutes. If you do not show up after this time elapses, the session will be charged.

More information in terms and conditions.

Once you have purchased the consulting service, it is non-cancellable and non-refundable.Ā 

Programmes can be cancelled and refunded within 7 days of purchase (invoice date), provided they have not yet started.

See terms and conditions.

Once your purchase has been made (consulting service or programme),Ā as an individual or a company, have made your purchase, you will receive the receipt for the services provided marked as PAID.

This way, you will always have written proof of your purchase.

In accordance with the Spanish legislation in force, one-to-one or in-company training for foreigners is not subject to VAT (IVA in Spain) or personal income tax withholdings.


I will help you discover and develop your full potential to get new clients, close deals and increase your sales thanks to business Spanish.
