


The info session is free of charge for the client. It lasts around 20 minutes. 

To book your session, use the calendar that appears on our web page. If you need more information, contact Alphalex by filling in the online form or sending an email at hola@alphalex.co

The client has no obligation to take more sessions after having the session. When you book a info session, you agree to the following: 

If you need to cancel/reschedule your appointment for the info session, you will need to inform Alphalex by email 24 hours before the scheduled session.



You can purchase the 1 50-minute online consulting service and/or the 6- and 10-session online programs of 30 minutes each.

For companies, we will design a special session plan with its respective prices.

Group sessions for four people maximum are available only within BUSINESS SPANISH FOR COMPANIES plan.  

Programmes can be cancelled and refunded within 7 days from the date of purchase (invoice date), provided they have not started.

Refunds will be reviewed and approved by Alphalex.

The consulting service cannot be cancelled once payment has been made.

Alphalex reserves the right to cancel the programme at any time. In this case, the full amount of the programme will be refunded.

Cancellations must be communicated by email. Cancellations will not be effective until confirmed by Alphalex via email.

Full payment must be made before the services start.

The programmes can be paid in instalments according to PAYPAL’s payment policy, without commissions. Check the conditions in your country: www.paypal.com

In case of BUSINESS SPANISH FOR COMPANIES, a form of payment will be agreed with the company according to agreed programme.

All programmes will remain valid for as long as 6 months from the date of payment (invoice date). After that time, you will lose the right to pending sessions.

The consulting service is valid for 1 month from the date of purchase (invoice date). After this period, you will lose the right to hold the meeting.

Alphalex will not be held liable for additional bank commissions, interest charges, financing fees, overdraft fees or any other extra charges applied. 

The payment methods safe used to pay for services include Stripe Payments or Paypal. You do not have to be registered on these platforms to make a payment. You can read about these platforms here www.stripe.com or www.paypal.com

Once the service has been paid, you will receive the invoice by e-mail. I would like to remind you of the following points:

  • Any cancellation or rescheduling (including the analysis session) must be made by e-mail at least 24 hours in advance; otherwise, the session will be billed.
  • The consulting service can only be rescheduled once, with 24 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled date and time of the session.
  • I understand that you may not get to your session on time for different reasons. I will wait for you for 10 minutes. After this time, If the student does not attend the session, it will be charged anyway and considered completed.
  • If the client does not attend the session, it will be charged anyway and considered completed. 
  • Sessions can be booked up to 24 hours before they start.
The duration of the Support and guidance via WhatsApp is indicated on each program and begins on the start date of the program (confirmation e-mail and opening of the Google Drive folder). 
This service is an integral part of the program and cannot be separated from the price. Customers are not obliged to use it if they do not wish to, but it is recommended that they do so. 
Communication via Whatsapp will take place from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm, with audio and text messages. The coach’s responses may not be immediate, but they will be given in a timeframe appropriate to the customer’s needs.

For your convenience, once you have purchased your services (the consulting services and programmes), the sessions will be booked by email and/or at the end of each session, suiting your needs and teacher’s availability within the schedule available at Alphalex. To check our schedules, email us at hola@alphalex.co


Holiday dates will be announced in advance. 

In the event the session cannot be given because of the teacher, the session will be re-scheduled free of charge for the student.

Should there be some technical problems on the Alphalex end, and it is not possible to solve them at the moment, the session will be postponed with no additional cost for you.

If the problem is on your end, I will do our best to help you solve it as fast as possible and not lose the session. If it is not possible to solve it, the lesson will be charged.


Alphalex will provide the client with a folder uploaded on a platform that the coach will share with the client. In it, all material used in and out of sessions will be stored, together with all support material and session recordings. 

The maximum term of access to these materials will be: 

  • 6 months for programmes from the date of payment.
  • For companies, up to 6 months after the end of the programme.


Alphalex reserves the right to change its fees. The clients will be informed about it in advance in a due manner. 

Change of fees will not affect the programmes that have been purchased prior to the new price application.

Confidentiality policy:

In Alphalex, the main priority for me is the wellbeing of my clients. Therefore, I am fully committed not to spread or share any content, material or information discussed, regardless of the topics in question. Everything that happens between Alphalex and its clients is strictly confidential.