
Why learn Spanish for business?

Undoubtedly, the importance of Spanish is growing and growing. More than 500 million people on 5 continents speak Spanish, including both native speakers and people who speak it as a second language.

According to a study by the Cervantes Institute published in 2019, more than 22 million people are currently studying Spanish. It is also the third most used language on the Internet, which explains the language’s growing importance in business contexts.

Finally, the number of Spanish consumers continues to grow. And more than 60% of consumers prefer to buy products advertised in their mother tongue. This only reinforces the importance of Spanish in the global marketplace.

Of course, we cannot ignore the fact that English is still the most influential language on an international level. But according to other data from this study, sharing Spanish increases trade by 290%, which further highlights that the Spanish language is an economic engine of growth.

This is where an important question comes in: What type of Spanish should I learn if I want to succeed in business contexts? Our answer is Spanish for specific purposes, in this case, Spanish for business.

If you have already learned general Spanish, you may already be able to express yourself using everyday grammar and vocabulary. However, you may face difficulties when taking your knowledge into a professional context. And these difficulties could impede communication in situations that are of vital importance to your work.

To improve your business Spanish, you will need to acquire some other skills. For example:

  • Learning specific vocabulary in your field.
  • Learning to read technical documents about your specialty.
  • Negotiating and reaching agreements with your clients, suppliers, or colleagues.
  • Expressing courtesy in written and spoken communication, along with demonstrating an understanding of intercultural differences.
  • Writing formal e-mails.
  • Holding telephone or videoconference conversations.


At Alphalex we offer two programmes for professional purposes (Professional and Business), where you can develop your own Business Spanish programme according to your needs and your professional context. You will be able to acquire the necessary skills to succeed in your professional relationships with the help of highly qualified trainers who have experience in Spanish-speaking business world.

If you need more information, you can consult our programmes or write to us at hola@alphalex.co. We wish you every success!