

¡Sesión online gratis y sin compromiso! Selecciona el día y la hora que más te convenga.
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¡Clase online sin costo y sin compromiso! Selecciona el día y la hora que más te convenga. Realizaremos una videollamada de 20 minutos para conocernos, saber lo que estás buscando y cómo puedo ayudarte.




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Si lo que quieres es tomar las riendas de una reunión en en español, cerrar una negocación firmando un contrato con tu cliente español o aumentar tu facturación gracias al ernorme mercado hispanohablante te invito a un café virtual conmigo. 

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  2. Recibirás un correo de confirmación.
  3. Por favor, haz el cuestionario (Google Forms) que hay dentro del email con la información de la invitación a la sesión. 
  4. ¡Nos vemos en la sesión!
Alexis Tandeau Avocat De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, France

Alejandro is an excellent choice to anyone who is interested in improving her or his skills in speaking Spanish in a professional context. He understands what you want, has useful insights on what can be improved and provides crystal clear explanations. I definitely recommend working with him.

Ed Marcartney Financial Adviser at Tailor-Made Financial Services, Australia

Alex has been my business Spanish tutor for two years, during which he's taken from sitting on my hands in professional settings to actually being able to hold my own (somewhat to my surprise!). He has a great ability to keep things interesting, and puts a lot of effort into making each session a bit different and engaging. Very professional guy and highly recommended.

Ysolde Gaignault Associée Fondatrice, Dorian Caffot de Fawes Antiques, France

Avec le projet d'ouvrir une galerie à Minorque, j'ai contacté Alphalex afin d'améliorer mon niveau d'espagnol professionnel. J'ai beaucoup apprécié les exercices de mise en situation (vouvoiement, techniques de vente, persuasion, vocabulaire...) et la façon dont Alejandro a adapté nos séances aux thèmes que je souhaitais aborder. Je me sens beaucoup plus en confiance dans mon travail au quotidien depuis que je suis les cours d'Alphalex.

Renata Bryczek Senior Business Analyst, Poland

Como analista de negocios, no sólo buscaba un profesor de español, sino un profesor que me ayudara a utilizar el idioma en un contexto profesional. Puedo decir sinceramente que la experiencia con Alphalex es fantástica. Mi profesor Alex tiene muchas cualidades: siempre preparado, muy motivador y es capaz de explicarme las reglas de la gramática de una manera accesible, sencilla e intuitiva. El subjuntivo fue mi enemigo durante mucho tiempo – ¡pero ya no lo es! Alex siempre y en todo momento confirma si lo que practicamos es lo que me interesa. Preparamos los dos juntos un plan y lo seguimos - sé exactamente lo que va a pasar en las clases siguientes. No sé cómo lo hace, pero cada vez añade una cosa que me ayuda en el proceso de desarrollo, incluyendo el personal.

Karen Digital Marketing Analyst, Korea.

I reached out to Alphalex because I had interviews scheduled with two companies I have always dreamt of joining. Thanks to Alex, my teacher, could master the do's and don'ts of job interview and prepare more structured responses. He is very supportive yet direct and honest, always providing very relevant feedback on my responses. He's a passionate teacher who wants his students to make the most out of every minute of his class, so his classes are especially helpful when I have a specific goal I want to achieve and attend the classes fully prepared. When I am stuck at some point, he can guide to come up with my own answers by offering his perspective of approaching the questions.

Natalia Zalizniak Founder and Teacher, English D@ily, Poland

I highly recommend the programs with Alphalex. Alejandro is always well-prepared, he creates for you a specific individual lesson plan depending on your needs and preferences. Moreover, the sessions are always interesting, Alejandro is very passionate about teaching and he is not just a Spanish teacher, but a highly qualified professional with knowdledge and a right approach to teaching business Spanish.

Alexandra Howe Emergency Care Account Manager at Stryker, USA

I cannot recommend Alex highly enough. His knowledge of the subject matter is so extensive; he can take a deep dive into whatever interests you. He's very organized and does an excellent job tracking progress so that I can enjoy the sessions, which he makes so fun and engaging, knowing that he'll keep us progressing in the direction I want to go. He really customizes the program to my industry and interests so that I can easily apply our lessons right away. I've been studying and speaking Spanish at various levels for years and I've never seen such improvement and had so much fun at the same time. Whatever your goals are for your Spanish acquisition, Alex will get you there. Highly recommend!

Fonda Fan Data Consultant @ Equancy, France

Le cours d'espagnol des affaires proposé par Alejandro m'a aidé à reprendre l'espagnol après 4 ans d'inactivité. Je suis reconnaissante de ce résultat et heureuse de l'avenir qu'il m'ouvre. Avec la langue espagnole, une partie de moi qui était perdue est à nouveau présente ! Merci d'avoir été à l'écoute de mes besoins, et pour ces 3 cours clairs, organisés et méthodologiques !

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